Language name: NENETS
UPSID number: 2156
Alternate name(s): YURAK
Classification: Ural-Altaic, Samoyed
This language has 35 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.300728540 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: p "t 6D k "ts "s x m "n N "l "r ? pJ "tJ 6DJ "tsJ "sJ mJ "nJ "lJ "rJ iS uS aS i "e u "o a j B b bJ ??
Comment: Nenets is spoken in the northwest Siberia, USSR. The areas include Tundra area from mouth of northen Dvinain northeastern Europe to delta of Yenisei in Asia, a scatering on the Kola Peninsula
Source(s): Decsy, G. 1966. Yurak Chrestomathy (Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic Series 50). Indiana University, Bloomington.
Hajdu, P. 1963. The Samoyed Peoples and Languages (Indiana University Publications, Uralic and Altaic Series 14). Indiana University, Bloomington.
Katz, H. 1975a. Generative phonologie und phonologische sprachbunde des ostjakischen und samojedischen. Munchener Universitats-Schriften, Finnisch-ugrische Bibliothek 1, Munich.
Ristinen, E.K. 1965. On the phonemes of Nenets. Ural-Altaische Jahrbucher 40: 22-44.
Restinen, E.K. 1968. Problems concerning vowel length in Nenets. Ural-Altaische Journal 40: 22-44.
Tereshchenko, N.M. 1966. Enetskij Jazyk. In V.V. Vinogradov (ed.), Jazyki Narodov SSSR, Vol. 3. Nauka, Moscow and Leningrad: 438-457.

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