Language name: TARASCAN
UPSID number: 6847
Alternate name(s):
Classification: South American, Chibchan
This language has 39 segments
Its Frequency index is 0.387912900 (average percentage of segments; 0.1: many very rare segments; 0.39: average; 0.7: many common segments)
The language has these sounds: p ph b t th d k kh ts tsh g tS tSh f "s S x m "n nj "l l. ? rA i E a u o j w kW kWh P s. N r h i_.
Source(s): Foster, M.L. 1969. The Tarascan Language. University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
Friedrich, P. 1975. A Phonology of Tarascan. Series in social, cultural and linguistic anthropology, 4. University of Chicago studies in anthropology.

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